

No doubt you've read elswhere on my blog that the corgis are members of the fam and the puppies are born and raised in the house. In order to keep everyone sane and happy the puppies are not allowed free run of the house 24 -7. You might imagine they can be a noisy and rambunctious lot so after coming inside to play, watch TV etc they retire to their own 8x12 play area in the garage where they can sleep, play, and hang out without getting into trouble. I call this area "Corgitannia" and it's complete with heat/AC, ceiling fans, radio and 4 x daily maid visits, room service and laundry. I mean this is a full-featured spa and resort - think Ritz-Carlton ;-) Shown above is a typical morning laundry pile which is repeated in the evening....and you thought your kids generated lots of laundry!