
Memorial Day

"I have never been able to think of the day as one of mourning; I have never quite been able to feel that half-masted flags were appropriate on Decoration Day. I have rather felt that the flag should be at the peak, because those whose dying we commemorate rejoiced in seeing it where their valor placed it. We honor them in a joyous, thankful, triumphant commemoration of what they did."
~Benjamin Harrison
Having been privileged to live with those in military service to our country nearly all of my life, I know the quote above is true. We are free and blessed because of their efforts; they have have paid the price of freedom for us with their lives - either lives lost or lives spent in service. Either way we owe them our thanks, our respect and our commitment to preserve what they have given us.
I took this photo at my daughter's Air Force Basic Training graduation ceremony. Starting with my 6th Great Grandmother, upon whose service to the United States during the Revolutionary War, my DAR membership is based our family has served through the generations - most recently my husband with 30 years service in the Army and now both of our daughters currently in the OK Air National Guard. I am frequently humbled by their sacrifices and service - freely given and quietly done, in their words "just doing what's right".