
Griffin watching the Queen and her corgis

My mother has one of the campers, Griffin, who is a George & Ginger son - now a beautiful fully grown male - very dramatically colored sable and white. Like all dogs who are the principal animal in their homes, Griffin is very into whatever my Mom does and thus the note from her this evening is fun and I can just see all this happening. See link to video of Queen Elizabeth and her dogs further down the page - fun to watch.

"I clicked on the corgiecamp site to get the latest info there and saw the good pictures then clicked the Queen Elizabeth site. The dog barking started which attracted Griffin's attention and answering barks - guess he understands British accents - he barked back and ran over. I showed him it was on the computer screen, he understands when I show him something that makes him bark is on the TV screen and he gets it so "got it" that it was on the computer, wanted in my lap to see better, got lifted up and sat on my lap with his front paws on the desk and watched until bored and wanted down - but a good three-four minutes. I didn't ask what he thought and he didn't say. But, that is quite bright and exceptional I'm sure you will agree!"

Absolutley bright and exceptional - that's why corgies are such great pets and companions. You gotta love em!