
Moving Along

Bobby, Tommy and Bubba departed today. It was a pleasure to meet Karyl, Bob and their daughter Amy. They drove here from Kansas and came for Tommy to be Amy's new companion, but after a little visit ended up taking Tommy and Bobby too. The boys will live down the street from each other. It's so nice when the pups get to go to a home with other dogs, a great lifestyle and one of their siblings as icing on the cake!
Bubba left for California this afternoon and should be beachside by bedtime. Ann sounds excited to meet him and I know he'll be a happy guy with her.
Amy and Sissy will be going to Mass. on Thursday - again a suituation where the sisters are going to the same home. Sounds like they will have a great life too - with plenty of outdoor space, horses and a family that loves Corgis and Jacks.
Boo Boo will be departing Thursday as well for Ft. Bliss, TX - he'll be going to Joel and family. After many years moving about while my husband was on active duty, I know how important a pet can be for military families that move frequently. There's an art to learning to make a new home and new friends each time you move. In that situation your pets are both stability and a great reason to get out and meet new friends at each new duty station.
Cheers to all the new families and thanks so much for trusting me to send you a new family member.

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