
Catch-up Time

Wow it has been a busy spring!! We have had lots of cattle shows, projects and business trips this spring and things have just begun to settle a bit. So today is catch up day for the Corgi Camp Blog. I spent the early part of May fretting that I would be gone when the puppies arrived – which would leave Richard and Roxane to be “midwives”. It sort worked out that way. Ginger had her pups the night before I left for Paris and Paula had hers while I was gone, but Rich and Rox handled things very well. The next few entries are being written in one day to catch you up on all that’s happened in the past few weeks. I’ll be e-mailing folks on my notification list in the order you contacted me and will getting back to regular updates of info and pix for the puppies here at the Corgi Camp Blog.

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