This is the entrance to Corgitannia as we often call it - my home is their home and there's not much doubt about that. In fact, visitors are greeted with a hand lettered sign in the kitchen that informs those who are new "If you want the best seat in the house - move the dog". We've made a few concessions to living with the campers over the years - all wood or tile floors, lots of leather furniture, baby gates at strategic doorways throughout the house, dog beds under my desk, a "cookie drawer" in the kitchen etc you get the idea. But beyond those concessions there are some big benefits for us too. Have you ever wondered what people wh0 do not have dogs do when they drop a food item on the kitchen floor? Do you think they have to clean it up by themselves......where does food the baby drops go in their homes? Who polices cat fights, keeps their feet warm, barks when the doorbell rings, or wakes them up in the morning? Just wondering ................